
Please do not hesitate to get in touch with us if you need any further information or have any queries regarding the disclaimer found on our website.

WiseHerald.com Disclaimer

All of the content that can be found on this website, https://wiseherald.com/, has been provided in good faith and is presented solely for the purpose of providing general information. There are no representations or claims made by WiseHerald.com regarding the completeness, trustworthiness, or correctness of the information presented here. Your use of the information found on this website (WiseHerald.com) is entirely at your own risk, no matter what course of action you decide to take as a result of what you discover here. In the event that you suffer any losses or damages as a result of using our website, WiseHerald.com will not be held liable for those losses or damages.

If you follow the hyperlinks that are located on our website that lead to other websites, you will be able to access those other websites. We make every effort to give only high-quality connections to websites that are both helpful and moral, but we have no influence over the actual content or nature of the sites we link to. These links will take you to other websites, but clicking on them does not mean that we endorse all of the content provided on those other websites. Site owners and content may change without warning, and this may take place before we have the opportunity to delete a link that may have developed a ‘poor’ reputation.

Please be aware that when you leave our website and visit another website, the other website may have different terms and policies regarding privacy, which are outside of our control. Before you post any information or engage in any kind of transaction on these websites, you must ensure that you have read and understood their Privacy Policies as well as their “Terms of Service.”

Acceptance and consent

By continuing to use our website, you are indicating that you understand and consent to the terms of use.


In the event that we decide to update, alter, or make any other modifications to this document, those updates and amendments will be displayed prominently here.